
Why Do We Send Teddy Bears to Our Loved Ones?

Aside from a flower bouquet and chocolates, teddy bears also count as one of the most popular gift items around. They prove to be effective in causing that “aww…” reaction from kids and adults as well and making you feel comfortable once you start hugging them. But how did they come to be and why do many people love using teddy bears to communicate their love and adoration for their loved ones?

When Teddy Bears Became Teddy Bears

Before teddy bears became a popular choice, the story surrounding the idea behind these cute stuffed toys originated in 1902, during US President Theodore Roosevelt’s failed bear hunting trip. While many people in his hunting party was able to hunt a bear, Roosevelt wasn’t very lucky. He was not able to shoot a bear, let alone spot one. 

His assistants, in a bid not to let Roosevelt go home empty handed and look bad in the process, hunted a black bear with the aid of hunting dogs. They found one, beat it to submission then tied it to a tree for the president to shoot. Roosevelt declined shooting an already captive bear, although he asked the animal to be put down to end its suffering. 

News about the president’s move spread far and wide, until it made to a cartoon showing Roosevelt refusing to kill the captive animal. The public loved seeing the president’s compassionate side, and so did a candy shop owner, Morris Michtom, with a stuffed toy-making wife. He asked Roosevelt’s permission to name the stuffed bears his wife made as “Teddy’s bears.” Every bear was sold out that Michtom founded a toy making company to mass-produce the Teddy Bear.

Psychological Effect of Teddy Bears

The Singapore Management University conducted a study in 2011 called “Touching a Teddy Bear Mitigates the Negative Effects of Social Exclusion.” It showed that individuals who were allowed to touch a teddy bear became more prosocial compared to those who only viewed the teddy bear from afar. All the respondents, though, are socially excluded individuals. The researchers discovered that touching something as simple as a teddy bear improves the negative effects of being socially excluded to create a positive impact in prosocial behavior. 

Why Filipinos Love Teddy Bears 

You may opt to send flowers and chocolate, but you may also have the urge to send teddy bears because they represent something much more important – a source of comfort and warmth and a symbol of your love. 

If the intended recipient of your teddy bear gift is based in Davao, then a booking a Davao delivery service would be a good idea. When you send gifts to Davao City, you are giving your loved ones an item that exudes warmth and affection, a constant reminder of your love for them, a cuddly alternative for when they need a hug from you, and a perfect cushion for when they need comfort. Aren’t teddy bears just so versatile? They can be anything you want them to be for your loved ones, especially in the comforting section. 

You’d likely find many Filipinos with rooms filled with their teddy bear collection. They are indeed excellent collectible items because not only are they soft and cuddly, but they are also great listeners. You can talk and talk to them while looking at their cute faces and they will listen to you about your anxieties, reasons to be happy, cause of stress, and other issues that you want to take off your chest.

As symbols of comfort and warmth, you may likely see teddy bears being given away to kids, especially the sick and the less privileged. They may be stuffed toys but they do their work in putting a smile on these kids’ faces. Just like how many Filipino kids grew up watching Mr. Bean taking on adventures and (mis)adventures with his brown teddy, you’d likely want a loved one to at least find love and comfort in the teddy bear that you want to give to them. can be your partner in sending flowers and gifts in Davao, including a teddy bear. Our online flower delivery in Davao makes it possible for you to arrange a delivery wherever you are in the world. You can now have your teddy bear and affordable flowers in Davao delivered without a hassle on your part and without spoiling the surprise for your loved one. Book us for a delivery now!