ResortTalicud IslandHotel RoomsHoneymoon

Leticia by the Sea Beach Resort

Our Review

Value for Money

Leticia by the Sea Beach Resort offers luxurious, intimate accommodations in a beachfront garden setting, though the rates are on the higher side and the location is not very easily accessible.

User Rating: 4.5 ( 1 votes)

Heat up your summer with a one of a kind beach resort located in Talicud Island. Take the luxury of plunging into one of the most sought beach resort in the Island, the Leticia by the Sea Beach Resort.

The Leticia by the Sea Beach Resort is famous of its magnificent seascape and landscape as well. Neatly maintained by the management, one will surely pay off to experience its relaxing and soothing ambiance.

The unique huts add up to the resort’s beauty. It’s ethnic and modern design defines the cultural heritage of the Island and the vast resources that can be found around it. Just like any other beach resorts in the Island, one will marvel in its talc like white sand and the clarity of its water. Clear blue waters wiggle vigorously on sunny days, it’s best to try snorkeling while the sun is up as it magnifies the enormous wealth of the underwater world. And sunny day snorkeling is best done here in Leticia by the Sea Beach Resort; snorkeling gears are available within the resort. You may go and inquire on the reception area for their facilities.

Huts and cottages are available depending on your budget. There’s a guaranteed leisure in every cottage that they have as it is located just within the sea side. One will have the luxury of having an afternoon siesta overlooking the vast ocean right in each cottage’s veranda. Your money will never be wasted because the management sees to it that they will provide a clean and comfortable place for you to rest. Some other resorts might bother you with their dirty comfort rooms and dusty floors, here in Leticia by the Sea Beach Resort; a place to rest is a worrisome free resort. The management takes good care of the welfare of each guest providing them with sanitized dwelling places and surroundings as well. So a bunch of bucks spent here is more than worth it!

Samal island hopping



Day Tour (min of 10 pax)-  Php 1,350/pax


  • Seaside Villa I (2pax) P14,000 excess Php 3,500 per extra pax (max of 4)
  • Seaside Villa II (2 pax) – Php P14,00
  • Family Cottage (6 pax)- Php P26,200
  • Molave Rooms I – III (6 pax) – Php23,200 excess P3,200 per extra pax (max of 10)
  • Garden Villa I & II (6 pax ) P27,400
  • Garden Villa III (2 pax) P14,000
  • Garden Villa IV (2 pax)-  P14,000


  • Own the Whole Resort
  • Two open cabanas
  • A pavilion
  • A Function
  • TV with DVD player and Sound System.
  • Smart broadband connections.
  • Free use of Kayaks for the whole duration of stay
  • Pick –up & Transfer via Speed Boat
  • Jet Ski Ride
  • Snorkeling Set


Contact Info

Phone: 0936 062 7988

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